Nihongo 1.16 Release Notes

Major Updates

  • Dark Mode - Nihongo sports a sleek new dark interface, great for studying at night. Requires iOS 13.
  • Modern Interface - Nihongo has been updated to a more modern style, with larger titles and updated icons.
  • N3 Kanji Decks - 94 new decks covering JLPT N3 kanji will teach you the most common words using each character, and how to draw them.


  • Improve search performance in non-English languages.

Bug Fixes

  • Prompt users with an error message when we encounter the bug where there are no voices available.
  • Fix issue where the "rest of deck" overlay on the word triage view was jumping around on iPad.
  • Fix issue where text in search results cells was showing up squished on 12.9" iPad.
  • Fix issue where you could get stuck on a different tab without a tab bar if you tapped the background of a clipping and then switched tabs quickly.
  • Fix issue where rotating iPad while tab bar is not visible would cause it to become visible again, on top of UI.
  • Fix layout of kanji stroke view when displayed in landscape on iPad.
  • Fix crash when switching from compact to regular view on iPad while edit flashcard screen was visible from word entry.
  • Fix briefly dark status bar on launch in iOS 13.