iPad gets a big update in Nihongo 1.30

The latest update to Nihongo brings a modern sidebar-style interface when running on the iPad (and Apple Silicon Macs)!
My goal with this update was to use the iPad's extra screen space to make it quicker and easier to get back to search (via text or photo lookup) from anywhere in the app on iPad, make it quicker to start some common workflows, and lay the groundwork for a richer iPad/Mac experience in the future. Download the update here.
Major Features
- New iPad Layout - The app now features a sidebar when running on iPad, for quicker access to more features.
- Clippings - Clippings up to 250 characters long can now be created without a subscription to Nihongo Pro.
Other Improvements
- You can now use a physical keyboard to mark flashcards. Spacebar to flip, arrow keys to mark the cards.
- The Nihongo Pro paywall has been redesigned.
- When you try to dismiss the photo lookup viewer without having viewed all the photos you imported, you will now be prompted to confirm that you wanted to dismiss without viewing all photos.
- App preferences are now synced between devices, even when Nihongo Pro isn't purchased or data syncing is disabled.
- Add a clearer error message when sync fails because another one of your devices is on a later version of the app.
- When switching Apple accounts on your device, you will now be able to continue using Nihongo Pro features until the previous account's subscription expiration date, and then you will told explicitly that you changed Apple accounts.
- Over 1,000 new word entries.
- Over 3,500 new example sentences.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the the translation of 細かいお金 in French.
- Fixed the contained words for 三重県.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the app to fail to launch for some users. Instead, these users will now see an alert explaining that iCloud syncing of preferences has been disabled due to a bug in iOS.
- Updated Apple Silicon Mac version to use "System Settings" terminology instead of System Preferences on latest macOS releases.
- Fix an issue where in some alerts "OK" would appear unlocalized in other languages.
- Fix an issue causing the first card displayed to sometimes not lock into vertical or horizontal swipe direction.
- Fix an issue where an incorrect conjugation table was displayed for the word 売れる.
- Fix incorrect furigana on よろしくお願いします example sentence.
- Fix image colors not bleeding through navigation bar in photo viewer.